The Women in Christ's Genealogy - Tamar

In Matt. 1:3, what woman is mentioned? _________________

Her story is given in Gen. 38

Who did Judah go to visit? v. 1 ________________________________________

What kind of woman did Judah marry? v. 2 _____________________

What was her name? v. 2 ___________________

What were her son's names? v. 3-5 _____________________________________

Who chose Er's wife? v. 6 __________________

What was Er's wife's name? v. 6 _______________________

What kind of man was Er? v. 7 __________________________________________

What did the Lord do to Er? v. 7 ________________________________________

What did Judah tell Onan to do? v. 8 _____________________________________

What was the reason for Onan to marry his brother's wife? v. 8 _______________


This practice later becomes part of the law, see Deut. 25:5-10.

What did Onan know would happen if he had a son? v. 9 ___________________

What did he do to avoid having a child? v. 9 _______________________________

Why did he do this? v. 9 _____________________________________________

How did God view Onan's actions? v. 10 __________________________________

What did the Lord do to Onan? v. 10 ____________________________________

What did Judah tell Tamar to do? v. 11 ___________________________________

Did Judah intend to let Shelah marry Tamar? v. 11 ____________

Why not? v. 11 _____________________________________________________

Where did Tamar go to live? v. 11 ______________________________________

Who else died? v. 12 ________________________________________________

Where did Judah go after he was comforted? v. 12 ________________________

Who found out that Judah was in Timnah? v. 13 _________________________

What did Tamar do? v. 14 ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Who was now grown? v. 14 _______________________

Was Tamar given to Shelah as a wife? v. 14 ______________

Who did Judah think Tamar was? v. 15 ____________________________

Why did he not recognize her? v. 15 ___________________________________

What did Judah ask Tamar? v. 16 _______________________________________

What was her response? v. 16 __________________________________________

What was Judah's answer? v. 17 ________________________________________

What did Tamar ask for until Judah sent the goat? v. 17 _____________________

What did Judah ask Tamar? v. 18 ______________________________________

What was her answer? v. 18 ___________________________________________

Did he agree to her request? v. 18 ________________________

What was the result? v. 18 ___________________________________________

What did Tamar do next? v. 19 _________________________________________

Did Judah's friend deliver the goat to Tamar and get the pledge back? v. 20 _____

Why not? v. 20 _____________________________________________________

Who did he ask to try to find the harlot? v. 21 ____________________________

What was the response of the men of the place? v. 21 ______________________

What did the Judah's friend tell Judah? v. 22 _____________________________

What was Judah's response? v. 23 ______________________________________

Why did he not want to look harder for the woman? v. 23 __________________

How long before Judah found out Tamar was pregnant? v. 24 _______________

What did he say should be done to her? v. 24 _____________________________

Who did Tamar say was the father of her child? v. 25 _______________________


Did Judah acknowledge the signet, cord and staff? v. 26 _____________________

What did he have to say of Tamar now? v. 26 _____________________________

Why? v. 25 ________________________________________________________

Did he ever have sexual relations with her again? v. 26 ______________

What was discovered as she gave birth? v. 27 _____________________________

What did the midwife put on the first hand that came out? v.28 ______________

Was the baby with the scarlet thread born first? v. 29 _________________

What was the first born named? v. 29 __________________________________

What was the brother with the scarlet thread named? v. 30 __________________

Tamar and Perez are also mentioned after Boaz arranges to marry Ruth. The witnesses bless Ruth and Boaz in Ruth 4:12 using Tamar and Perez in a positive way. God truly can fulfill Rom. 8:28 in our lives and ______ all things together for ________________.


The account in Gen. 38 is not pleasant. It was wrong for Tamar to pose as harlot. Some say she had the right motives. Even Judah said she was more righteous than he was. She wanted a child who might be the Messiah and Judah was not going to give her his other son. She took things into her own hands. The ends don't justify the means. Judah may have thought it was Tamar's fault that his sons died, ignoring that he had wicked sons possibly because he married a Canaanite. It was wrong of Judah to hire a harlot. It was arrogant of Judah to condemn Tamar to death for sexual immorality when he was involved in that wrong act himself. Yet God in His grace used these two sinners in the line of the Messiah. All of the men and women mentioned in Christ's genealogy were sinners.

Are any of us without sin? Rom. 3:23 ___________________________________

When did God demonstrate His love for us? Rom. 5:8 _______________________