The Women in the Genealogy of Christ: Mary Part 1

In Matt. 1:16, who was Jesus’ mother? _____________________________________

In Luke 1:26, who did God send to Nazareth in Galilee? _______________________________

To whom was Gabriel sent? v. 27 __________________________________________________

What did the angel tell her? v. 28 __________________________________________________


What was Mary’s reaction? v. 29 ___________________________________________________

What did the angel say? v. 30 _____________________________________________________


 What would happen to Mary? v. 31 ________________________________________________

What would her son be like? v. 32 __________________________________________________

What would God give Him? v. 32 ___________________________________________________

How long will He rule? v. 33_______________________________________________________

Why did Mary ask how this would happen? v. 34 ______________________________________

How would Mary conceive? v. 35 ___________________________________________________

What would her son be called? v. 35 ________________________________________________

What was happening to Elizabeth? v. 36______________________________________________

Why did Gabriel bring up Elizabeth? v. 37 ____________________________________________

How did Mary respond? v. 38 ______________________________________________________

Where did Mary go hurriedly? v. 39-40 ______________________________________________

What happened when Elizabeth heard Mary? v. 41 ____________________________________


What did Elizabeth say to Mary? v. 42 _______________________________________________

What did she call Mary v. 43 ______________________________________________________

Why did Elizabeth’s baby leap in her womb? v. 44 _____________________________________

Why was Mary blessed? v. 45 ______________________________________________________

What did Mary’s soul and spirit do? v. 46-47 __________________________________________

Why was she praising God? v. 48 ___________________________________________________

What would all generations call her? v. 48 ___________________________________________

What had God done? v. 49 ________________________________________________________

Who is God’s mercy on? v. 50 ______________________________________________________

What has God done to the proud? v. 52 _____________________________________________

Who does He fill with good things? v. 53 _____________________________________________

Why did God help Israel? v. 54-55 __________________________________________________

How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth? v. 56 _________________________________________

In Matt. 1:18, to whom was Mary betrothed? __________________________________________

When did she conceive? v. 18 _____________________________________________________

What was Joseph like? v. 19 ______________________________________________________

What did he plan to do? v. 19 (See also Deut. 22:23,24) _________________________________

Why did he want to put her away secretly? v. 19 ______________________________________

Who appeared to Joseph? v. 20 ____________________________________________________

What did the angel tell him? v. 20 __________________________________________________


What was he to name the baby? v. 21 _______________________________________________

Why? v. 21 ____________________________________________________________________

Why did these things happen? v. 22 ________________________________________________

What did God tell the prophet? v. 23 (also Is. 7:14) ____________________________________

What would the child be called? v. 23 _______________________________________________

What did Joseph do? v. 24 ________________________________________________________

Did Joseph and Mary have sexual relations before the baby was born? v. 25 ________________

What did Joseph call the baby? v. 25 ________________________________________________

In Luke 2: 1-2, what did Caesar Augustus decree? _____________________________________

What did everyone have to do? v. 3 ________________________________________________

Where did Joseph go? Why? v. 4 ___________________________________________________

Who went with him? v. 5 _________________________________________________________

What happened when they were in Bethlehem? v. 6 ___________________________________

What did Mary do with Jesus when He was born? v. 7 __________________________________

Why was He laid in a manger? v. 7 __________________________________________________

Who else was in the area? v. 8 _____________________________________________________

Who came to the shepherds? v. 9 __________________________________________________

What was their reaction? v. 9 ______________________________________________________

Why did the angel tell them not to be afraid? v. 10 _____________________________________

Who was the good news for? v. 10 _________________________________________________

What was the good news? v. 11 ____________________________________________________

What would be the sign? v. 12 _____________________________________________________

Who joined the angel? v. 13 _______________________________________________________

What did they angels say? v. 14 ____________________________________________________

What did they shepherds decide to do? v. 15 _________________________________________

Who did they find? v. 16 __________________________________________________________

What did the shepherds do after seeing Jesus? v. 17 ___________________________________

What did people think of what the shepherds said? v. 18 ________________________________

What did Mary do? v. 19 _________________________________________________________

What did the shepherds do when they left? v. 20 ______________________________________

Why did Mary and Joseph name the baby Jesus? v. 21 __________________________________

The Women in the Genealogy of Christ: Mary Part 2

In Luke 2:22, what did Mary and Joseph do when Mary’s purification was complete? _________ ______________________________________________________________________________

What is written in the law of the Lord? v. 23 (See Ex. 13:2, 12-13) _________________________


What were Mary and Joseph to do in Jerusalem according to the law? v. 24 (See Lev. 12) ______


In Lev. 12:8, why would a woman offer a pair of turtledoves or pigeons for offerings? _________


In Luke 2:25, who was Simeon and what was he doing? _________________________________


What did the Holy Spirit reveal to Simeon? v. 26 _______________________________________


Where did the Holy Spirit lead him to go? v. 27 ________________________________________

What did Simeon do when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus into the temple? v. 27-28 _________


Why did Simeon say he could depart in peace? v. 29-30 _________________________________

In whose sight was God’s salvation prepared? v. 31 ____________________________________

What would God’s salvation be? v. 32 (See also Is. 49:6) ________________________________


What was Joseph and Mary’s reaction to this? v. 33 ____________________________________

What did Simeon say Jesus is destined for? v. 34 ______________________________________

How would people react to Jesus being a sign? v. 34 ___________________________________

What would happen to Mary’s soul? v. 35 ____________________________________________

What would be revealed? v. 35 ____________________________________________________

Who was Anna? v. 36-37 _________________________________________________________

Where did she not depart from? v. 37 _______________________________________________

What did Anna do at the temple? v. 38 ______________________________________________

What did Anna do when she came to Jesus and His parents? v. 38 ________________________


Now we return to Matthew’s account. Matthew also records the visit of the wise men who came to Israel following a star seeking the baby born King of the Jews. They first asked King Herod where the child was. Herod consulted the chief priests and scribes who told him the prophecies that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. After finding out when the wise men had first seen the star, Herod sought to trick them into finding the baby Messiah for him so that he could kill Him.

Where did the star lead the wise men? Matt. 2:9 ______________________________________

How did the wise men respond to seeing the star? v. 10 ________________________________

What did the wise men do when they saw Jesus? v. 11 _________________________________

What did they give Him? v. 11 _____________________________________________________

What were the wise men warned not to do? v. 12 _____________________________________

What did the angel tell Joseph to do? v. 13 ___________________________________________

Why were they to go to Egypt? v. 13 ________________________________________________

When did they flee to Egypt? v. 14 __________________________________________________

How long did they stay in Egypt? v. 15 _______________________________________________

What was fulfilled because they went to Egypt? v. 15 (See Hosea 11:1) ____________________

What did Herod do when he realized that the wise men were not coming back? v. 16 _________


What was fulfilled through this incident? v. 17-18 _____________________________________


What happened after Herod died? v. 19 _____________________________________________

What did the angel tell Joseph? v. 20 ________________________________________________

What did Joseph do? v. 21 ________________________________________________________

Why was Joseph afraid? v. 22 ______________________________________________________

Where did they settle? v. 23 _______________________________________________________

In Luke 2:39, where did Joseph and Mary go? _________________________________________

The Women in the Genealogy of Christ: Mary Part 3

What happened as Jesus grew? Luke 2:40 ___________________________________________


Where did Jesus’ parents go every year? v. 41 ________________________________________

How old was Jesus when they went to the feast? v. 42 __________________________________

What happened when the feast was over? v. 43 _______________________________________

Where did His parents think Jesus was? v. 44 _________________________________________

What did they do when they could not find Him? v. 45 _________________________________

How long did it take them to find Jesus? v. 46 _________________________________________

What was Jesus doing? v. 46 ______________________________________________________

What was the reaction of those who heard Him? v. 47 __________________________________

What was His parents’ reaction? v. 48 _______________________________________________

What did Mary say to Jesus? v. 48 __________________________________________________

How did Jesus respond? v. 49 ______________________________________________________

Did Mary and Joseph understand? v. 50 _____________________________________________

What did Jesus do? v. 51 _________________________________________________________

What did Mary do? v. 51 _________________________________________________________

In what ways did Jesus grow? v. 52 _________________________________________________

In John 2:1, where was Mary? _____________________________________________________

Who else had been invited to the wedding? v. 2 _______________________________________

What happened when they ran out of wine? v. 3 ______________________________________

What did Jesus tell Mary? v. 4 _____________________________________________________

What did Mary tell the servants? v. 5 ________________________________________________

What was sitting there? v. 6 _______________________________________________________

What did Jesus tell the servants to do? v. 7 ___________________________________________

What did He tell them to do next? v. 8 ______________________________________________

Did the master of the feast know where it came from? v. 9 ______________________________

What did the master of the feast tell the bridegroom? v. 10 _____________________________

What did this sign show? v. 11 _____________________________________________________

What was Jesus doing in Matt. 12:46? _______________________________________________

What did Mary and His brothers want? v. 46 __________________________________________

What was Jesus told? v. 47 ________________________________________________________

How did Jesus reply? v. 48 ________________________________________________________

Who did He say His family is? v. 49 _________________________________________________

Who is Jesus’ family? v. 50 ________________________________________________________

Who was near the cross when Jesus was being crucified? John 19:25 ______________________

What did Jesus do when He saw Mary? v. 26 _________________________________________

What did the disciple Jesus loved do from that time on? v. 27 ____________________________

Who was in the upper room with the disciples? Acts 1:14 _______________________________

What were they doing? v. 14 ______________________________________________________