Romans 12

By what does Paul beseech the brethren (Rom 12:1)? __________________________________

What does Paul beseech the brethren to do (v.1)? _____________________________________

What is your body to be like to God (v.1)? __________________________________________

Presenting yourself to God is what type of service (v.1)? _______________________________

What are you not to be conformed to (v.2)? _________________________________________

How are you to be transformed (v.2)? ______________________________________________

What are you to prove (v.2)? _____________________________________________________

How is everyone not to think of himself (v.3)? _______________________________________

How are you to think (v.3)? ______________________________________________________

What has God dealt to each one a measure of (v.3)? ___________________________________

What do we have in one body (v.4)? _______________________________________________

Do all the members have the same function (v.4)? ____________________________________

Who is this one body in (v.5)? ____________________________________________________

Who are we members of (v.5)? ___________________________________________________

Are all gifts the same (v.6)? ______________________________________________________

The gifts are given according to what (v.6)? _________________________________________

What was a person to do if they had the gift of prophecy (v.6)? __________________________

What was a person to do if they had the gift of ministry (v.7)? ___________________________

When was some to use the gift of teaching (v.7)? _____________________________________

When is the gift of exhortation used (v.8)? __________________________________________

What is the one with the gift of giving to give with (v.8)? ______________________________

What is the one who leads or rules to lead with (v.8)? _________________________________

What is the gift of mercy to be used with (v.8)? ______________________________________

Love is to be without what (v.9)? _________________________________________________

What are you to abhor (v.9)? _____________________________________________________

What are you to cling to (v.9)? ___________________________________________________

What should you be to one another (v.10)? __________________________________________

In honor who are you to prefer (v.10)? _____________________________________________

What should you be in your spirit (v.11)? ___________________________________________

Who are you to serve (v.11)? _____________________________________________________

What should you rejoice in (v.12)? ________________________________________________

What should you be patient in (v.12)? ______________________________________________

What should you be continuing in (v.12)? ___________________________________________

What should you be distributing to (v.13)? ___________________________________________

What should you be given to (v.13)? _______________________________________________

Who are you to bless (v.14)? _____________________________________________________

What are you to do instead of curse (v.14)? _________________________________________

Who should you rejoice with (v.15)? _______________________________________________

Who should you weep with (v.15)? ________________________________________________

Who are you to to be of the same mind toward (v.16)? _________________________________

What are you not to set your mind on (v.16)? ________________________________________

Who are we to condescend to or associate with (v.16)? ________________________________

What are you not to be wise in (v.16)? ______________________________________________

What are you not to repay or recompense (v.17)? ______________________________________

What are you to do in the sight of all men (v.17)? _____________________________________

How are we to live with all men (v.18)? ____________________________________________

What are you not to do yourselves (v.19)? __________________________________________

What are you to give place to (v.19)? ______________________________________________

Who is to bring vengeance (v.19)? ________________________________________________

Note: See Deut. 32:35.

If your enemy is hungry, what are you to do for him (v.20)? ____________________________

If your enemy is thirsty, what are you to give him (v.20)? ______________________________

By feeding your enemy, you do what to his head (v.20)? ______________________________

Note See Prov. 25:21, 22.

What are you not to be overcome by (v.21)? ________________________________________

What are you to overcome evil with (v.21)? _________________________________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook

E-mail: Todd R. Cook

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