1. Who are we to grow up to in Eph. 4:15? _________________________________

2. How do we grow in Christ? Eph. 4:15 ____________________________________

3. What three things should we come to in Christian growth? Eph. 4:11-13 


4. What causes the growth of the body of Christ in Eph. 4:16? _____________


5. What are we to grow in  in 2 Pet. 3:18? ________________________________


6. How do we grow according to I Pet. 2:2? ________________________________

7. How does faith grow in Rom. 10:17? _____________________________________

8. What should we do with all our cares? Phil. 4:6-7 ______________________

9. How often should we pray? 1 Thes. 5:17 _________________________________

10. What are the two greatest commandments Jesus wants us to keep in 

    Matt. 22:36-40?________________________________________________________


11. How can we help others grow according to Heb. 10:24-25? _______________


12. What four commandments are given in Matt. 28:19-20 that will help the 

    church to grow? _______________________________________________________


By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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