What did God create in the beginnning (Gen 1:1)? ___________________________________


What was the condition of the earth in verse 2? _____________________________________


What was over the face of the waters (v. 2)? _______________________________________


What did God create in verse 3? _________________________________________________


How did God create light in verse 3? _____________________________________________


What was good in verse 4? _____________________________________________________


What did God divide in verse 4? _________________________________________________


What did God call the light (v. 5)? _______________________________________________


What did God call the darkness (v. 5)? ____________________________________________


What marked the first day (v. 5)? ________________________________________________


What did God create in verse 6? _________________________________________________


What was above and under the firmament (vv. 6, 7)? _________________________________


What did God call the firmament (v. 8)? ___________________________________________


What day ended in verse 8? ____________________________________________________


What appeared in verse 9? _____________________________________________________


How did God make the dry land appear (v. 9)? _____________________________________


What did God call the dry land (v. 10)? ____________________________________________


What did God call the gathering together of the waters (v. 10)? _________________________


What did God create in verse 11? _______________________________________________


Where is the seed (v. 11)? _____________________________________________________


What did the earth bring forth in verse 12? _________________________________________


Can the seeds of the plants yield a different kind of plant (v. 12)? _______________________


What day ended in verse 13? ___________________________________________________


What was created in verse 14? __________________________________________________


What were the purposes of the lights (v. 14)? ______________________________________


What was the purpose of the lights in verse 15? ____________________________________


What was the greater light in verse 16? ___________________________________________


What was the lesser light in verse 16? ____________________________________________


What did God make in addition to the Sun and Moon (v. 16)? _________________________


Where did God set the lights (v. 17)? _____________________________________________


What are the purposes of the lights in verses 17 and 18? ______________________________


How did God see His creation (v. 18)? ___________________________________________


What was on the fourth day (v. 19)? ______________________________________________


What was created in verse 20? __________________________________________________


What in verse 21 indicates that fish and birds did not evolve? __________________________


What did God tell the birds and the fish to do (v. 22)? _______________________________


What day ended in verse 23? __________________________________________________


What did God create in verse 24? ______________________________________________


What phrase is used in verse 25 to show that animals did not evolve? __________________


What was made in verse 26? __________________________________________________


Is God referred to as a singular or a plural being in verse 26? ________________________


What responsibilities were given to man (v. 26)? _________________________________


In Whose image was man created (v. 27)? _______________________________________


In what two sexes were mankind created (v. 27)? _________________________________


What did God command man in verse 28? _______________________________________


What did God give man to eat (v. 29)? ___________________________________________


What did the animals eat (v. 30)? ________________________________________________


How did God see everything that He made (v. 31)? __________________________________


What day ended in verse 31? ___________________________________________________


What things were created on each of the days


First day __________________________ Fourth day ______________________________


Second day ________________________ Fifth day _______________________________


Third day _________________________ Sixth day _______________________________

Notice how the first and fourth days, the second and fifth days, and the third and sixth days correspond to each other. What do you think was the source of the light the first three days since the Sun was not created until the fourth day?


What things are mentioned in Genesis one that goes against the evolutionary theory?



By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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