Galatians 6

Who is to restore a person overtaken in a fault or trespass (Gal. 6:1)? ____________________

In what type of spirit is a person overtaken in a fault to be restored (v.1)? _________________

Why should you consider yourself when restoring a person (v.1)? _______________________

What are we to bear (v.2)? ______________________________________________________

What fulfills the law of Christ (v.2)? _______________________________________________

How does a man deceive himself (v.3)? ____________________________________________

What should every man prove or examine (v.4)? _____________________________________

When will a person have rejoicing in himself (v.4)? ____________________________________

What shall every man bear (v.5)? __________________________________________________

What should the person who is taught do for the person who teaches (v.6)? ________________

God is not ________________ (v.7)?

What will a man reap (v.7)? ______________________________________________________

What shall a man receive who sows to his flesh (v.8)? __________________________________

What shall a man receive who sows to the Spirit (v.8)? _________________________________

What should we not grow weary in (v.9)? ___________________________________________

What will happen in a due season if we faint not (v.9)? _________________________________

What are we to do to all men (v.10)? _______________________________________________

When are we to do good to all men (v.10)? __________________________________________

Who especially are we to do good to (v.10)? _________________________________________

What has Paul written with his own hand (v.11)? ______________________________________

What were many desiring to do in the flesh (v.12)? ____________________________________

What were those who made a good showing in the flesh trying to get the Galatians to do (v.12)?


What did they not want to suffer persecution for (v.12)? _______________________________

Who does not keep the law (v.13)? _______________________________________________

What does the circumcised desire to have done to the Galatians (v.13)? ___________________

Why do they want the Galatians circumcised (v.13)? __________________________________

What only did Paul boast or glory in (v.14)? _________________________________________

What has been crucified to Paul (v.14)? _____________________________________________

What has been crucified to the world (v.14)? _________________________________________

In Christ what does not avail anything (v.15)? ________________________________________

In Christ what does avail (v.15)? __________________________________________________

What comes upon them that walk according to this rule (v.16)? __________________________

What comes upon the Israel of God that walks according to this rule (v.16)? _______________

What did Paul not want to happen in the future (v.17)? ________________________________

What does Paul bear in his body (v.17)? ____________________________________________

What is to be with your spirit (v.18)? _______________________________________________

By Pastor Todd R. Cook (

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