Women of the Bible - Hagar

1. Who did Sarai blame for not having children? Gen. 16:1-2 ___________________________

2. What was Sarai’s plan to obtain a child? Gen. 16:2 _________________________________

3. Who was Hagar? Where did she come from? Gen. 16:3 _____________________________

4. Did Sarai’s plan work? Gen. 16:4 ____________

5. What were Hagar’s feelings toward Sarai? Gen. 16:4 _______________________________

6. How did Sarai feel about the success of her plan? Gen. 16:5 _________________________

7. How did Abram respond to Sarai’s complaining? Gen. 16:6 __________________________

8. How did Sarai deal with Hagar? Gen. 16:6 ________________________________________

9. What was Hagar’s response? Gen. 16:6 __________________________________________

10. Who found Hagar? Gen. 16:7 _________________________________________________

11. What did the Angel of the Lord ask Hagar? Gen. 16:8 _______________________________


12. What was Hagar’s answer? Gen. 16:8 ____________________________________________

13. What did the Angel of the Lord instruct Hagar to do? Gen. 16:9 _______________________

14. What promises did the Angel of the Lord give Hagar? Gen. 16:10-12 ___________________


15. What did Hagar call the name of the Lord who spoke to her? Gen 16:13 _________________

16. What did Abram name the son Hagar bore? Gen. 16:15 ______________________________

17. What did Sarah see Ishmael doing at Isaac’s weaning feast? Gen. 21:8-9 __________________

18. To whom did Sarah take her complaint? Gen. 21:10 _________________________________

19. What did Sarah want done with Hagar and her son? Gen. 21:10 ________________________

20. How did Abraham feel about Sarah’s plan? Gen. 21:11 _______________________________

21. What did the Lord instruct Abraham to do? Gen. 21:12 ______________________________

22. Why? Gen. 21:12 ____________________________________________________________

23. What did God promise Abraham? Gen. 21:13 ______________________________________

24. What did Abraham give Hagar before he sent her away? Gen. 21:14 _____________________

25. Where did Hagar go? Gen. 21:14 ________________________________________________

26. What did Hagar do when the water was used up? Gen. 21:15 __________________________

27.� Where did Hagar go and why? Gen. 21:16 ________________________________________

28. How was Hagar feeling? Gen. 21:17 _____________________________________________

29. Whose voice did God hear? Gen. 21:18 ___________________________________________

30. What did God say to Hagar? Gen. 21:17-18 ________________________________________


31. What did Hagar see when God opened her eyes? Gen. 21:19 ___________________________

32. Who was with the lad as he grew? Gen. 21:20 _______________________________________

33. Where did Hagar get a wife for Ishmael? Gen. 21:21 __________________________________

34. How is Hagar identified in Ishmael’s genealogy? Gen. 25:12 ____________________________


Gal. 4:21-31, explains that what happened to Hagar and Sarah is a picture of the relationship between God and mankind. Hagar is the bondwoman and Sarah the free woman.

35. According to what was the one born of the bondwoman? Gal. 4:23 ______________________

36. What is Hagar a symbol of? Gal. 4:24-26 ___________________________________________

37. What are we? Gal. 4:26-31 ______________________________________________________

Hagar was the first woman in the Bible that the Angel of the Lord spoke to. She received promises (Gen. 16:10-11) similar to Abraham (Gen. 12:2, 13:16, 15:4-5.) She had a hard life as a slave who was used to produce her master’s son, hated and cast out by her mistress. Yet God saw her in her need and spoke to her and opened her eyes to water to meet her need. Her name for God - El Roi  literally “the God Who sees” should be a comfort for us when we feel as if we are cast out in a wilderness with no water. Her experience reminds me of Psalm 63 written by David when he was in the wilderness. I challenge you to memorize Psalm 63.